πŸŒ€NFT Staking

Holders of MET can engage in staking with their coins and Metchain NFTs. This not only supports the security and validation of the network but also generates sustainable financial returns to the investor. NFT staking requires the holder to purchase one Genesis NFT [per stake] along with a minimum balance of 15,000 MET coins. The staking rewards are based off annualized percentage yields as laid out in detail below. The process of the NFT staking is carried out within the ecosystem's V3 wallet. The staking action is simple and completed by selecting the MET value to stake, the vesting term and confirming the stake transaction. Upon confirmation, the balance of MET will be transferred from the Staker's wallet to the Metchain Coinbase and remain locked there until the vesting period is complete. The staking process will complete automatically, un-staking at the assigned date. The original balance plus the agreed APY will be credited to the Staker's original wallet and be available to allocate as they see fit. The staking system and APY is based on a combination of NFT rarity and investment periods which is shown below.

Staking APY breakdown:

Last updated